
Website funded by the Jean Monnet Chair “Single Market & Competition Law in the Digital and Ecological Transition Era” Ref. 620517-EPP-1-2020-1-ES-EPPJMO-CHAIR

Ministerio de ciencia e innovación. Gobierno de España

About CPCR

The Centre for Competition Policy and Regulation (CPCR) is a branch of the Royal University Institute of European Studies of the CEU San Pablo University specialized in the study of Competition Law and Policy. It has an interdisciplinary character, with its main areas of focus being legal and economic.

Why is the Centre for Competition Policy and Regulation (CPCR) a point of reference?




teaching hours anually


associate professors


research projects

A prestigious think tank in Spain

In essence, the CPCR is a forum for debate, research, and reflection on (i) the use of the instrument of Competition in current politics and society; (ii) the articulation of Competition in present and future national, community, and international rules; (iii) the processes of liberalization, privatization and regulation of economic sectors such as, among others, telecommunications, energy, transport, financial services or postal services; and (iv) the regulation of the Single European Market, especially in the new era of digitalization and ecological transition.

Institutional prestige

The Centre was born within the CEU San Pablo University, an institution nationally known for its academic excellence and innovative impetus, and more specifically within the Royal University Institute of European Studies, which was designated Jean Monnet Centre of Excellence by the European Commission in October 2003, and in May 2006 received the European Excellence Award from the Community of Madrid. Likewise, in January 2020, for its long trajectory, the Royal Household granted the Institute the title of Royal.

In order to achieve our foundational and strategic goals, we have a well-known Advisory Committee that advises the Steering Committee on the effective fulfilment of its institutional mandate.

Social responsibility

Since its creation, more than 60 working papers have been published in the Competition Policy Series. They have analysed, among other topics, relations with China and cooperation in environmental matters, the assessment of the settlement process in European cartel proceedings, state aid in the field of energy, the control of Japanese cartels, the criminalization of cartels, and actions for damages arising from national antitrust offenses. Likewise, in order to promote and develop Competition Policy, the Centre brings together internal and external researchers, professors, private and public professionals, and academics within the framework of the "Seminars of Experts", where final reports are prepared on topics such as the administrative decentralization of Competition Law in Spain, comments on various draft reforms of the Law on Defence of Competition, the study of state aid in times of crisis, or the control of concentrations in sectors such as pharmaceuticals or innovation markets.


At the Centre for Competition Policy and Regulation we are in continuous development, so you can keep up to date with our activities, articles, and many other things, through:





Executive team

The day-to-day work of the Centre for Competition Policy and Regulation is carried out by the following people:


Dr. Jerónimo Maíllo González-Orus

Jean Monet Professor and Centre Coordinator

Dr Jerónimo Maíllo graduated in Law with honours from the University of Salamanca and, after his Master's studies in Advanced European Studies at the College of Europe and several years at the European University Institute, he obtained his Ph.D. at the CEU San Pablo University where he has developed his academic career since 1995. He is currently Jean Monet Professor of Public International Law and International Relations, coordinator of the CPCR, and director of the Department of Public Law at CEU San Pablo University.


Dr. Javier Porrás Belarra


Dr Javier Porras graduated in Law from the CEU San Pablo University where he continued his Master's studies in the European Union and his Ph.D. in the same field while continuing his education at prestigious universities such as the Eberhard Karls Universität Tübingen. He currently combines his research activity at the Centre with teaching as a professor of European Union Law, International Public Law, and International Relations at CEU San Pablo University.


Ignacio Fornaris Valls

FPI Predoctoral Fellow

Ignacio Fornaris graduated in Law and Business Administration from the Complutense University of Madrid and subsequently completed a Master's Degree in Legal Practice at the Carlos III University. Prior to joining the Centre, Ignacio worked as a litigation lawyer at Garrigues and Deloitte Legal. He is currently a beneficiary of the Research Personnel Training Program (FPI) of the Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation, while he pursues his PhD in Law at CEU San Pablo University along with the Alma Mater Studiorum – Università di Bologna. He has been also awarded with the Reale Collegio di Spagna scholarship.

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